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Black Mountain, NC | Giving Back to the Community

It’s easy to get wrapped up in our own lives and forget about those around us. But giving back to our community in Black Mountain is important, not just for the people we help but for ourselves as well. Helping others can make us feel good about ourselves and improve our mental health. It also strengthens our communities and makes them better places to live. Here are just a few ways you can give back to your community.

Volunteer your time

In Black Mountain and the surrounding area there are countless organizations and causes that can use an extra set of hands.  One of the best ways to give back is time. Whether you have an hour to spare or a whole day, giving your time can make a big difference in your community. Whether it’s serving food at the Black Mountain United Methodist Church’s weekly open table, working at a school carnival, or collecting donations for a toy drive.

Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministry Assists those who are experiencing hardship to meet basic and emergency needs. Including food pantry, clothing closet, utility bills, firewood ministry, and so much more.

Bounty & Soul  A community-based non-profit providing access to fresh produce and wellness education for everyone.

Black Mountain Home for Children & Families Serves youth from birth through college graduation and beyond through family foster care, residential care, transitional living, and independent living.

Donate money or goods

If you’re able to, donating money or goods to local charities and non-profits is a great way to give back. Every little bit helps!

Just have lunch!

You can even support a local charity just by having breakfast or lunch at Thirteen Pennies Cafe, all proceeds go to the Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth & Families.

Shop at a thrift store

The Mountain Home Thrift Store and the Kiwanis Thrift store all proceeds go to help a cause.

Help out a neighbor

Something as simple as mowing someone’s lawn or shoveling their driveway can brighten their day and show them that you care.

Tutor a student who is struggling in school

Tutoring can make a big difference in a student’s academic performance and confidence. If you have the time and patience, consider tutoring someone who needs extra help.

Coach a youth sports team

Coaching youth sports teams helps instill values like teamwork, sportsmanship, and perseverance in young people. It’s a great way to give back to your community and make a positive impact on the next generation.  There are also booster organizations you can donate to that help support our local teams.

Get involved in your child’s school

PTA meetings, chaperoning field trips, and helping out in the classroom. There are a variety of ways you can make a difference.

Donate blood

Blood donation is always in need, especially during times of crisis like natural disasters. One pint of blood can save up to three lives! Find a blood drive event thru the WNC Red Cross

Clean up around town

A beautiful town creates pride in the community. Keeping your neighborhood clean not only makes it look nicer but also improves public health by reducing pollution and preventing the spread of diseases. You can pick up litter on your own or join forces with your neighbors the Black Mountain Beautification Committee has several ways you can get involved.

Visit patients at the hospital

Visiting patients at the hospital can brighten their day and provide them with some much-needed company, remember to check with the hospital first to see if there are any restrictions on visitors.  VA Hospital Volunteering

Donate clothes and other items to charity.

Donating clothes and other items you no longer need is a great way to clear out your closet and help those in need. There are many charities that accept donations, so choose one that supports a cause you care about. My favorites are the Mountain Home Thrift Store and the Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministry.

Giving back to our communities is important for many reasons. It makes us feel good about ourselves, helps those in need, strengthens our communities, and makes them better places than they were before we got involved. There are many ways we can give back, choose an activity that fits your interests and personality, and start giving back today, you will be surprised how much you get back from the experience.