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Beat the Winter Blues and Practice Self Care

We love living in the Black Mountain area and wouldn’t trade it for anything, but we all know that winter can be a tough time of year. The days are shorter, the weather is colder, and sometimes it feels like there’s just no end in sight. But it doesn’t have to be that way! There are plenty of things you can do to beat the winter blues and make the most of the season. Here are 9 ideas to get you started.

Keep a gratitude journal. One of the best ways to fight negative thinking is to focus on the things you’re grateful for. Every day, take a few minutes to write down 3 things that you’re thankful for. It could be something as simple as your cozy bed or your favorite pair of socks. Focusing on the positive will help you appreciate the good things in your life and make it easier to get through the tough times.

Get outside, really. It’s important to get some fresh air every day, even when it’s cold out. bundle up and take a walk around the block, go for a hike in the woods, or just sit on a bench by  Lake Tomahawk and soak up some vitamin D. You’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel after getting some fresh air and spending time in nature.

Hydrate your body. Drinking enough water is essential for staying healthy, but it’s also important for keeping your skin looking its best. Dry winter air can sap moisture from your skin, so make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day. You’ll stay hydrated and your skin will thank you for it!

Treat yourself. After a long day of shivering and sniffling, sometimes you just need to give yourself a break and indulge in a sweet treat—like hot cocoa with marshmallows or a piece of cake from your favorite bakery. Whatever your guilty pleasure may be, don’t be afraid to treat yourself once in a while. You deserve it!

Light is a must. Unfortunately, winter weather may cause many people to experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which is characterized by feelings of sadness, fatigue, and irritability. Make sure you’re getting enough natural light during the day by opening blinds and spending time outside when it’s light out.

Move your body. As we all know, exercise is important year-round—especially during winter when we tend to be less active overall. But even if you don’t feel like going to the gym, there are plenty of other ways to get moving. Take a dance class, go hiking, or go for a walk with a friend—anything that gets you up and moving will do wonders for your mental health.

Take a bubble bath. There’s nothing quite like soaking in a warm bath after a long day in the cold weather. Add some bubbles and some relaxing aromatherapy oils to really set the mood and let all your troubles melt away…

Slow down and relax. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever to take some time for yourself and just relax. Whether it’s taking a yoga class, reading your favorite book, or taking a nap, make sure you’re incorporating some relaxation time into your daily routine.

Surround yourself with friends. Spending time with loved ones is one of the best ways to fight off loneliness and isolation during wintertime—so make sure you’re staying connected with your friends and family members. There are so many activities and events around town, check out something new from our local event page.

Pursue your passion. Whatever you’re interested in, whether it’s painting, music, or something else entirely, invest time in it. Winter can be great the perfect time to pursue new hobbies and discover new things.

Winter doesn’t have to be such a drag! By following these simple tips, you can beat the winter blues and make the most of the season. So, get outside, drink plenty of water, take a yoga class,  learn something new and most importantly, spend time with people you care about!